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Organogram of Staff Roles & SalariesOrganogram - Senior CSV data

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Post Unique Reference Name Grade (or equivalent) Job Title Job/Team Function Parent Department Organisation Unit Contact Phone Contact E-mail Reports to Senior Post Salary Cost of Reports (£) FTE Actual Pay Floor (£) Actual Pay Ceiling (£) Professional/Occupational Group Notes Valid?
DFE-1001 Chris Wormald SCS4 Permanent Secretary The Permanent Secretary has three overall roles: 1. The Head of the Department. 2. The Accounting Officer. 3. The Chief Policy Non-Political Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State. He is responsible for the overall management of the Department and is accountable to Parliament for the actions the Department takes and the way in which taxpayers’ money is spent. Department for Education Department for Education Accounting Officer and Chief Policy Non-Political Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State 0370 0002288 N/D XX 1677835 1.00 160000 164999 Policy 1
DFE-1002 Thomas Jeffery SCS3 Director General Developing and reforming safeguarding services that protect and support children at risk of harm. Supporting and empowering families and developing the foundation years sector, ensuring that all children thrive in an excellent school system Tackling barriers preventing children from fulfilling their educational and wider potential, including SEN, disabilities and other health needs Developing and reforming the care system and speeding up the process of adoption. Focusing and developing local services for the most disadvantaged young people. Contribute to Government priorities on child rights, child poverty, and ensuring an effective strategic relationship between the Department and the children’s services sector. Department for Education Department for Education Children, Young People and Families Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 927495 1.00 140000 144999 Policy 1
DFE-1003 Stephen Meek SCS3 Director General Advises on qualifications for 14-19 year olds including A Levels / GCSEs / iGCSEs / Apprenticeships. Oversight of Ofqual / QCDA / the operation of the exam system. Raising participation in education and training among 16-18 year olds including reducing the number of NEETs / information / advice and guidance and financial support. Employer engagement in education. Department for Education Department for Education Education Standards Directorate 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1001 1454992 1.00 105000 109999 Policy 1
DFE-1004 Tim Wright SCS2 Director Providing strategic leadership and appropriate governance over the use of information and technology and the management of the property portfolio for DfE and across the sector to enable the business to operate effectively. Ensuring the operationally excellent delivery of ICT and FM services to the Department and its agencies. Working across government to ensure the coherent delivery of digital services to citizens. Department for Education Department for Education Chief Information Officer Group 0370 0002288 N/D DFE-1003 1593038 1.00 135000 139999 Operational Delivery 1