Full standard STATS19 fields data on reported road accidents in Greater Manchester.
Please bear in mind that our STATS19 data (police data on road accidents is in a standardised national format) is a relational database, it consists of accident, vehicle and casualty records. The underlying structure of the data is essentially hierarchical. For each accident there is a single accident record, followed by a variable number of vehicle records and a variable number of casualty records. Casualty records are linked to vehicle records either because the vehicle struck the casualty or because the casualty was a driver or a passenger in a vehicle.
In Greater Manchester, different councils have different viewpoints on which terminology should be used. However, it has been decided that at a Greater Manchester level, the term road accident should be used. This is the term that most members of the public would use and is also the one used by the Department for Transport on the national form used for the collection of the data.
This data will be refreshed annually.
A key to the codes used in the data can be found in the STATS19 road accident injury statistics - report form which is provided in the supporting information below.
Please acknowledge the source of this information using the following attribution statement:
Contains Transport for Greater Manchester data. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2024.