Barnet Information Dashboard
What is it?
Within Barnet there are 21 electoral wards. A ward is a subdivision of a local authority, that is used to elect local councillors. The Barnet Information Dashboard is an interactive tool that gives you a snapshot of ward level information about Barnet Council services and residents. Where available, information relating to council services is presented by ward for the last five financial quarters. The Dashboard covers: Employment, Population, Health, Social Care and Wellbeing, Crime, Housing, Education, Member Enquiries, Freedom of Information Requests, Complaints, Street Scene, Parking and Recycling.
Why use it?
To understand the breakdown of Barnet residents in terms of items such as household composition, ethnicity and age. Also, to compare ward level information about key council services and track improvements over time.
Please note: The dashboard can only be opened in Microsoft Internet Explorer and you need to have the Silverlight plugin installed on your system.