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Payments to suppliers with a value over £500Council spending over £500 October 2013

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Body Body Name Date Transaction Number Amount Supplier Name Supplier ID Expense Area Expense Type Expense Code Extended Description Service Code Service Label Service Division Label Service Division Code Eden District Council 11/10/2013 132014 1505.78 G C A GARDENING SERVICES GCA001 Engineering Manager Building Maintenance 1000 REMOVE SHRUBS ETC UNIT 67 GILWILLY LANDMA Land Management 01007 Land Management Eden District Council 11/10/2013 132028 550 ASTUN TECHNOLOGY LIMITED AST004 Human Resources Manager Training Expenses 0060 ASTUN TRAINING VOUCHERS STADEV Staff Development 00223 Staff Training DCLS Eden District Council 11/10/2013 131842 500 CIVICA UK LTD CIV002 Revenue/Benefits Manager Software – maintenance 2067 HMRC EXTRACT LOCTAX Collection of Local Taxation 01006 Council Tax Eden District Council 11/10/2013 131331 2739.41 ENTERPRISE MANAGED SERVICES LTD TFE001 Communities Manager Building Maintenance 1000 PAT TESTING MUSEUM Museum 02090 Penrith Museum