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Purchase Card TransactionsPurchase Card - May 2021

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Organisation Name Department where exp. Incurred Service Category Label Supplier (Beneficiary) Purpose of Expenditure Procurement (Merchant) Category Purchase Date Settlement Date Transaction Number Net Amount (£)
Stockport MBC Corporate and Support Services Central Support Costs WWW.CONTENTFUL.COM Information and Communications Technology Information Communication Technology 01.06.2021 16.06.2021 GPC05210000001 8.69
Stockport MBC Corporate and Support Services Central Support Costs FASTHOSTS INTERNET Information and Communications Technology Information Communication Technology 31.05.2021 16.06.2021 GPC05210000002 92.40
Stockport MBC Corporate and Support Services Central Support Costs MIRO.COM Information and Communications Technology Information Communication Technology 24.05.2021 16.06.2021 GPC05210000003 128.49
Stockport MBC Corporate and Support Services Central Support Costs FASTHOSTS INTERNET Information and Communications Technology Information Communication Technology 17.05.2021 16.06.2021 GPC05210000004 25.07