Barnet Council contract with Capita plc for Regional Enterprise (Re) services
The London Borough of Barnet has entered into two major new contracts that will save the Barnet taxpayer over £165m over ten years and deliver a wide range of service improvements to Barnet residents.
As part of the Council’s commitment to transparency, the contract with Capita plc to provide the services that make up the joint venture named Regional Enterprise Ltd (Re) (formally known as the Development and Regulatory Services (DRS) project) is published here.
The Council is legally and contractually obliged to redact information that Capita has designated as confidential and commercially prejudicial. This is also consistent with statutory guidance from the Information Commissioner’s Office. However in the interests of transparency, Capita has agreed to waive its right to keep confidential much of the information defined in the contract as commercially sensitive and confidential, so that more information is in the public domain.
A guide to the contents of the contract is also published with a summary of reasons why some information has been redacted against each section of the contract.
All redacted information is because of one or more of the following reasons:
the information relates to third parties and is subject to on-going commercial negotiations
the information is commercially sensitive and disclosure could prejudice other contract negotiations within the sector and diminish Capita’s commercial position in the market
the information refers to physical locations and is redacted to avoid bias development and regeneration negotiations
Please note that these contracts are the intellectual property of the London Borough of Barnet and Trowers and Hamlins. No part of the contracts may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express prior written permission from both the council and Trowers and Hamlins Any unauthorised use of these contracts without permission, particularly for any commercial gain, will constitute an actionable breach of copyright.