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Spend over £25,000 in MHRAJuly 2018

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Department family Entity Date Expense type Expense area Supplier Transaction number Amount VAT registration number
Dept of Health MHRA 03/07/2018 Contracted Out Services Miscellaneous Transformation PA Consulting Services Ltd 10124320 230,868.00 238535057
Dept of Health MHRA 04/07/2018 Application Services and Maintenance Transformation Appian Corporation 166 149,716.80 Not set
Dept of Health MHRA 04/07/2018 Assets Under Construction - Plant & Equipment Operations Detail Design Engineering LTD 12725 33,116.94 561067355
Dept of Health MHRA 04/07/2018 Application Services and Maintenance Finance & Procurement Public Health England 6322625 30,000.00 888849628