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Spend over £25,000 in NICEOctober 2020 Return

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Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number Amount Description
Department of Health National Institute For Health And Care Excellence 31/10/2020 Contr Other External Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme - NP NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE HOSPITALS NHS FOUNDATION TRUST 35777405 £82,328.70 NICE MedTech External Assssement Centre Q1 Apr 20 - Jun20
Department of Health National Institute For Health And Care Excellence 31/10/2020 Contr Other External Evidence Services - NP CLARITY INFORMATICS LTD 35777407 £44,100.00 NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) Contract - 1st September 2020 - 30th September 2020
Department of Health National Institute For Health And Care Excellence 31/10/2020 Books, Journals & Subscr National Core Content HEE Funding BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP LTD 35777468 £187,358.50 Library Service - access to BMJ Journals online
Department of Health National Institute For Health And Care Excellence 31/10/2020 Contr Other External IT Infrastructure - NP INSPIRED NETWORKS 35804834 £32,522.40 IT Support and Management contract for August 2020