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Spend over £25,000 in NICEDecember 2013 Return

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Department Family Entity Date Expense Type Expense Area Supplier Transaction Number Amount Description Supplier Postcode Supplier Type Contract Number Project Code Expenditure Type
Department of Health National Institute for Health & Care Excellence 31/12/2013 Contr Other External NP - NPC BAZIAN LTD 17080257 26,002 Unlicenced and off label medicines evaluation service Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Department of Health National Institute for Health & Care Excellence 31/12/2013 Contr Other External NP- PH Programmes BAZIAN LTD 17127999 79,772 Review of the quantitative and qualitative evidence about oral health improvement programmes and interventions Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Department of Health National Institute for Health & Care Excellence 31/12/2013 Rent NP- Facilities - Manchester BRUNTWOOD LG LTD 17113671 136,891 Quarterly rent charge of office space at Level 1A, City Tower, Manchester Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set
Department of Health National Institute for Health & Care Excellence 31/12/2013 Service Charge NP- Facilities - Manchester BRUNTWOOD LG LTD 17113671 21,016 Quarterly service charge of office space at Level 1A, City Tower, Manchester Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set