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Brownfield Land RegisterBrownfield Land Register 2022 (csv format)

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OrganisationURI SiteReference SiteNameAddress GeoY GeoX SiteplanURL Hectares OwnershipStatus PlanningStatus PermissionType PermissionDate PlanningHistory Deliverable NetDwellingsRangeFrom NetDwellingsRangeTo HazardousSubstances Notes FirstAddedDate LastUpdatedDate EndDate OSEasting OSNorthing SHELAACrossReference BLR2 Jubilee Business Park Snarestone Road Appleby Magna 52.683438 -1.528459 2.02 Not Owned by a Public Authority Not Permissioned Not set Not set Not set Not set 38 38 Not set Not set 2017-12-31 2022-12-31 Not set 431978 309631 Ap10 Not set BLR4 Breedon Priory Nursery Ashby Road Breedon on the Hill 52.802722 -1.404124 2.55 Not Owned by a Public Authority Permissioned Full Planning Permission 2020-12-17 Not set 35 35 Not set 18/02198/FULM application site 5.8ha B/F element 1.95ha Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment for 43 dwellings a new village hall formation of vehicular and pedestrian access points and associated infrastructure | the proposed village hall is included in the brownfield element of the site. 2017-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 440263 322966 Br4 Not set BLR5 Stevenson House Ashby Road Coalville 52.727154 -1.380438 0.28 Not Owned by a Public Authority Pending Decision Outline Planning Permission 2021-10-27 Not set 14 14 Not set 20/00966/OUTM Demolition of existing structures and the change of use of the land to residential with the erection of 8 dwellings and 6 flats (Outline - All Matters reserved) 2017-12-31 2022-12-31 Not set 441939 314565 C12 Not set BLR6 Former Needle Factory Wolsey Road Coalville 52.727335 -1.375331 2.06 Not Owned by a Public Authority Not Permissioned Full Planning Permission Not set Not set 38 38 Not set Two discahrge of conditions applications have been submitted (22/01322/DIS and 22/01703/DIS) but are not yet determined | 21/00596/FULM Application permitted for the erection of 77 dwellings with associated works (1.09Ha of the southern extent of the site is within the application boundary) 2017-12-31 2022-12-31 Not set 442280 314593 C28 Not set