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Dataset: IPO payments2018 June return

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Department family Entity Date Expense type Expense area Supplier Transaction number Amount VAT registration number
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Intellectual Property Office 01/06/2018 Travel & Subsistence International Policy Directorate Personal expenses OS000000677 1556.68 Not Applicable
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Intellectual Property Office 12/06/2018 Travel & Subsistence Copyright and Enforcement Directorate Personal expenses OS000000695 507.58 Not Applicable
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Intellectual Property Office 07/06/2018 Accommodation People Places & Serv Directorate Acorn Glass & Glazing 25867 794.32 Not Applicable
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Intellectual Property Office 08/06/2018 Pay Costs People Places & Serv Directorate Acorn Recruitment Ltd 876970 673.37 Not Applicable