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Dataset: IPO payments2011 April Return

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Department family Entity Date Expense type Expense area Supplier Transaction number Amount VAT registration number
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Intellectual Property Office 01/04/2011 Seminars and Conferences Innovation Directorate Black cat ERICH23 124.84 Not known
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Intellectual Property Office 01/04/2011 Seminars and Conferences Innovation Directorate K.jones ERICH24 112.85 Not known
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Intellectual Property Office 01/04/2011 Telephone Rentals and Call Charges Business Support Directorate O2 TTHOM0921 61.2 Not known
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Intellectual Property Office 01/04/2011 Telephone Rentals and Call Charges Business Support Directorate O2 TTHOM0921 82.85 Not known