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Brownfield Land RegisterBrownfield Land Register 2018

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OrganisationURI OrganisationLabel SiteReference PreviouslyPartOf SiteNameAddress SiteplanURL CoordinateReferenceSystem GeoX GeoY Easting Northing Hectares OwnershipStatus Deliverable PlanningStatus PermissionType PermissionDate PlanningHistory ProposedForPIP MinNetDwellings DevelopmentDescription NonHousingDevelopment Part2 NetDwellingsRangeFrom NetDwellingsRangeTo HazardousSubstances SiteInformation Notes FirstAddedDate LastUpdatedDate City of York Council BR-001 Not set Mack & Lawler Builders Ltd 2a Low Ousegate WGS84 -1.0834 53.9577 460245 451681 0.02 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned other 06/03/2017 Not set 8 Proposed change of use from offices to flats (use class C3) under Class J Part 3 Schedule 2 of Article 3 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set See planning application: 16/02710/ORC 21/12/2017 20/12/2018 City of York Council BR-002 Not set Pizza Hut Ltd 10 Pavement WGS84 -1.0798 53.9585 460479 451774 0.03 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned full planning permission 09/06/2017 Not set 8 Change of use of first, second and third floors(use Class A3) to 8no. residential units (Use Class C3) Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set See planning application: 17/00835/FUL 21/12/2017 20/12/2018 City of York Council BR-003 Not set Car Parking Area Holgate Road WGS84 -1.0948 53.954 459499 451253 0.03 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned full planning permission 01/03/2016 Not set 6 Erection of 3 storey block of 6 no. Apartments Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set See planning application: 15/02295/FUL 21/12/2017 20/12/2018 City of York Council BR-004 Not set Alma House 15 Alma Terrace WGS84 -1.0757 53.9473 460764 450524 0.04 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned full planning permission 31/10/2017 Not set 7 Conversion of guest house (use class C1) to 7no. residential units (use class C3) Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set See planning application: 17/01763/FUL 21/12/2017 20/12/2018