Collation of “wild, relict or remnant” mountain woodland point records in Scotland. NatureScot has commissioned this new dataset of mountain woodland locations across Scotland; to be used to inform landscape scale restoration, 30x30 goals, Nature Networks, UK and European Reporting and Area based casework, and training data for habitat mapping.
A total of 18,538 point records have been compiled across 24 tree and shrub taxa that feature in mountain woodland habitats in Scotland. From these records, there are a total of 324 that qualify for Annex 1 H4080, and a total of 210 that qualify for Annex 1 H5130. However, some geographical areas have had higher recording effort than others. It is recommended that this new dataset is updated every three years, or annually for the Nationally Rare/Scarce arctic-alpine willows and scrub specialist species. The BSBI DDb will be the primary source of information for updates.
This dataset contains the following fields:
UID: Unique Identifier
TAXON: Latin name, as given in Stace (2019)
COMMONNAME: The common name used in the Scottish context
GROUP: Mountain woodland species; classed into the following categories:
-1. Arctic-alpine specialist willows: Nationally Rare or Scarce component species of Sub-Arctic Salix scrub/Montane willow scrub (H480). These records cover any altitude
-2. Sub-montane willows: Can form a secondary component of Sub-Arctic Salix scrub/Montane willow scrub (H4080), usually at the lower end of the altitudinal range of the habitat. These records are at altitudes ≥ 400m
-3. Scrub specialists: Nationally Scarce taxa which feature in upland scrub habitats. These records cover any altitude
-4. Secondary montane/sub-montane trees or shrubs: Taxa which feature in lower altitude woodland or scrub habitats, but can grow at sub-montane and montane altitudes. These records are at altitudes ≥ 400m
-5. Juniper: A key component of H5130 habitat. These records are at altitudes ≥ 400m, so only apply to the habitat where it is found in the uplands
-6. Mountain broadleaves: Occurrences of Birch or Rowan at higher altitudes. These records are at altitudes ≥ 600m
-7. Treeline scrub: Records retained from the OMSD (Original Montane Scrub Database)
RECORDER: Person(s) who made the record (if known)
PLACENAME: Named location of the record
EASTING: 6-figure British National Grid Easting, including the 100km x 100km prefix
NORTHING: 6-figure British National Grid Northing, including the 100km x 100km prefix
PRECISION: Record precision (1km, 100m, 10m or 1m)
DATE: When the record was made
HABITATDIRECTIVEH4080: Annex 1 Habitat assigned to either “H4080” or “Potential H4080” using the definitions in Table 1 (if applicable)
HABITATDIRECTIVE_H5130: Annex 1 Habitat assigned to either “H5130” or “Potential H5130” using the definitions in Table 2 (if applicable)
COMMENTS: Further notes about the record, if given by the recorder(s)
ADUNDANCE: Notes on the abundance of plants, if given by the recorder(s)
SOURCE: Where the record was obtained from
URL: Link to the record on the BSBI DDb (if applicable)