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Brownfield Land RegisterCSV

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OBJECTID OrganisationURI OrganisationLabel SiteReference PreviouslyPartOf SiteNameAddress SitePlanURL CoordinateReferenceSystem GeoX GeoY Hectares OwnershipStatus Deliverable PlanningStatus PermissionType PermissionDate PlanningHistory ProposedForPIP MinNetDwellings DevelopmentDescription NonHousingDevelopment Part2 NetDwellingsRangeFrom NetDwellingsRangeTo HazardousSubstances SiteInformation Notes FirstAddedDate LastUpdatedDate Easting Northing Licence LicenceURL SHAPESTArea SHAPESTLength
1 Broxtowe SHLAA/00051/AVA Not set Units 12-15 Pinfold Trading Estate Nottingham Road Stapleford ETRS89 -1.271267 52.931687 1.09 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned outline planning permission 2016/02/26 00:00:00+00 Not set Not set 10 Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline Application to construct dwellings (Class C3) on 0.29 ha, with all matters reserved apart from the access. Full application to construct shop (Class A1) including solar panels and with associated car parking, access and landscaping on a 0.78 ha site. Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Hybrid planning application comprising: Full Application to construct shop (Class A1) including solar panels and with associated car parking, access and landscaping on a 0.78 ha site: 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 449082 337390 OGL 10887.9870300293 492.230058777848
2 Broxtowe SHLAA/00150/AVA Not set Beeston Maltings, Dovecote Lane, Beeston ETRS89 -1.210551 52.919487 1.32 not owned by a public authority Not set not permissioned Not set Not set Not set Not set 56 Residential allocation in the emerging Local Plan (not yet allocated). Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 453178 336076 OGL 13190.929473877 671.372904639505
3 Broxtowe SHLAA/00163/AVA Not set 132 Chewton Street Eastwood ETRS89 -1.305555 53.010918 0.28 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned full planning permission 2016/07/15 00:00:00+00 Not set Not set 13 Construct 13 N° dwellings (revised scheme) Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 446692 346181 OGL 2809.81466674805 264.400791771303
4 Broxtowe SHLAA/00499/AVA Not set Beeston Business Park Technology Drive Beeston ETRS89 -1.209474 52.917394 19.55 not owned by a public authority yes permissioned outline planning permission 2017/11/03 00:00:00+00 Not set Not set 310 Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline application for up to 310 residential units and community building with means of access included (all other matters reserved). Full application for industrial, storage and distribution buildings (Use Classes B1 b and c, B2 and B8), land for school expansion (Class D1), car parking and associated road infrastructure. Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 2017/12/13 00:00:00+00 453253 335844 OGL 195512.107116699 2517.82990787722