Land & Property Services (LPS) administers an application based relief known as Disabled Persons Allowance (DPA).
DPA is not means tested. It is an entitlement to a 25% reduction in rates for any household where both the following criteria are met:
- a person with a disability lives; and
- where the property has been adapted or has additional facilities added.
The property must be adapted to meet the needs of a person with a disability who lives in the home. The types of adaptations that qualify are:
- A room, other than a kitchen, bathroom or toilet, which is mainly used by the person with a disability for treatment or therapy.
- An extra kitchen for the person with a disability.
- An extra toilet for the person with a disability.
- An extra bathroom.
- Sufficient floor space to use a wheelchair easily.
The information provided is at a point in time and the tables are updated annually.