A mini directory of local services (68 in total in and around Cambridge) to be used to develop our geo-location project.
This project was replaced in Autumn 2019 by the purchase of a new website and app called Street Support Cambridge, which proivdes more detailed listings of accommodaiton and services, with locations, access details and opening times, across Cambridge for people who are homeless. It also provides functions enabling local residents, businesses and communities to ofer time, money and goods to support homeless poeple in Cambridge. Street Support was purchased by It Takes A City, and is available at https://streetsupport.net/cambridge/
We are retaining the original "proof of concept" data on Cambridgshire Insight Open Data to demonstrate how an exploratory data project has led to a much wider, community-based project with real-life application for residents of Cambridge, and for those finding themselves living on the street of Cambridge. The data was used to start populating Street Support Cambridge.
The original service details were secured through cooperation with the Cambridge City Foodbank, the area's Financial Capability Forum, and through web searches.
The directory is not exhaustive but aims to set out some examples of data we can use and share locally, and to set out the idea of developing further directories in future for a variety of partners and uses.