This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from Circulatory Disease, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages.
Circulatory diseases include heart diseases and stroke, and others. Socio-economic and lifestyle factors are associated with circulatory disease deaths and inequalities in circulatory disease rates. Modifiable risk factors include smoking, excess weight, diet, and physical inactivity.
Directly Age-Standardised Rates (DASR) are shown in the data, where numbers are sufficient, so that death rates can be directly compared between areas. The DASR calculation applies Age-specific rates to a Standard (European) population to cancel out possible effects on crude rates due to different age structures among populations, thus enabling direct comparisons of rates.
A limitation on using mortalities as a proxy for prevalence of health conditions is that mortalities may give an incomplete view of health conditions in an area, as ill-health might not lead to premature death.
Data source: NHS Digital (now part of NHS England) Compendium hub, dataset unique identifier P00395. This data is updated annually.