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1,359 results found

Obese adults (%)

Obese adults (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

Admitted to hospital episodes with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Persons, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Admitted to hospital episodes with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Persons, all ages (per 100,000 population) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of primary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year period)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Female - (Three year period)

Pupils achieving a Good Level of Development at age 5 (%)

Pupils achieving a Good Level of Development at age 5 (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (old BV224b)

% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (old BV224b)

% of working age population qualified - to at least L2 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)

% of working age population qualified - to at least L2 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Male - (Three year period)

Slope index of inequality in life expectancy at birth - Male - (Three year period)

Life Expectancy at birth - Female

Life Expectancy at birth - Female

% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly

% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly

% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 169)

% of Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (NI 169)

% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

%pt gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers - Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing & Maths (aged 10-11)

%pt gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers - Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing & Maths (aged...

The number of businesses signed up to the Eco Stars fleet recognition scheme - (Snapshot)

The number of businesses signed up to the Eco Stars fleet recognition scheme - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of road and PATHWAY network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Pathways

% of road and PATHWAY network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Pathways

Admitted to hospital episodes with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Persons, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Admitted to hospital episodes with alcohol-related conditions (Narrow): Persons, all ages (per 100,000 population) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of working age population qualified - to at least L1 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)

% of working age population qualified - to at least L1 and above (New methodology from 2022/23)

% of secondary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more in years 7-11 (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)

% of secondary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more in years 7-11 (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)

Long-term support needs met by admission to residential and nursing care homes, per 100,000 population (younger adults) (New definition from 2015/16) - (Monthly Snapshot)

Long-term support needs met by admission to residential and nursing care homes, per 100,000 population (younger adults) (New definition from 2015/16) - (Monthly Snapshot) *This indicator has...