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Out of Area Placements in Mental Health Services

This report presents early findings from the Out of Area Placements (OAPs) collection. The collection is expected to capture the details of all OAPs in England from both NHS and independent...

Dementia Diagnoses - ethnicity

The recorded prevalence of dementia, by ethnicity at Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level. These data are published in support of the Dementia Strategy and the Dementia Challenge

Recorded Dementia Diagnoses

The recorded prevalence of dementia at GP Practice level. These data are published in support of the Dementia Strategy and the Dementia Challenge.

Prescription Cost Analysis, England

Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) provides details of the number of items and the net ingredient cost of all prescriptions dispensed in the community in England. The drugs dispensed are listed by...

General Ophthalmic Services: Workforce statistics

This report shows the number of ophthalmic practitioners (Optometrists and Ophthalmic Medical Practitioners) who were authorised, by NHS England Area Teams (AT) in England and Local Health Boards...

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice: LSOA Level

Demographic data are extracted as a quarterly snapshot in time from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). These releases are an accurate...

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice: by Single Year of Age

Practice demographic data are extracted as a quarterly snapshot in time from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). Data for GP Practices...

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice (practice level, 5 year age groups)

Number of patients registered at each GP Practice, in 5-year age bands and split by gender. GP Practices with 100 or fewer registered patients have been suppressed due to possible...

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice

Total number of patients registered at each GP Practice GP Practices with 100 or fewer registered patients have been suppressed due to possible identification of individuals when data is linked...

CCG Prescribing Data

Quarterly Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) prescribing data. The structure of the file is: Quarter, Area Team, CCG, BNF Chapter, BNF Section, Items, Actual Cost, Net Ingredient Cost Each file...

NHS Workforce Census

Census workforce data for those parts of the Healthcare workforce that are currently collected within the workforce Minimum Dataset (wMDS) as at 31 March 2015, giving national level statistics for...

Psychological Therapies, Annual Report on the use of IAPT Services

The experimental figures presented in this annual report provide a picture of activity in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services and of the people that used them. The IAPT...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Child Patients Seen

NHS dental statistics for England, child patient seen, by age, aggregated to CCG level. The patients seen measure shows the number of patients who received NHS dental care in the previous 24...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Patients Seen

NHS dental statistics for England, patient seen aggregated to CCG level. The patients seen measure shows the number of patients who received NHS dental care in the previous 24 months, where their...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Dental Activity

NHS dental statistics for England, Units of Dental Activity (UDA) by Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in England

PROMs measures health gain in patients undergoing hip replacement, knee replacement, varicose vein and groin hernia surgery in England, based on responses to questionnaires before and after...

Statistics on Drug Misuse, England

This annual statistical report presents information on drug misuse among both adults and children. The topics covered include: Prevalence of drug misuse, including the types of drugs used;...

Maternity Services - Monthly Statistics (England)

This is a report on NHS-funded maternity services in England, from the Maternity Services Data Set (MSDS). The MSDS is a patient-level data set that captures key information at each stage of the...

Breast Screening Programme, England

Women between the ages of 50 and 70 are invited for regular breast screening (every three years) under a national programme. Screening is intended to detect breast cancer at an early stage when...

Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services in England

This quarterly report presents provisional results from the monitoring of the NHS Stop Smoking Services in England. It includes information on the number of people setting a quit date and the...