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1,044 results found

Gifted and talented pupils

Number of high attaining gifted and talented pupils and % of gifted and talented cohort in Year 8 Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for...

Pupil absence in schools in England by Free School Meal (FSM) eligibility (referenced by location of pupil residence)

Absence of day pupils in schools in England. The dataset includes the total number of day pupils of compulsory school age, the total number of possible pupil sessions (also known as pupil half...

Pupil attainment at GCSE: Average point scores and associated value added measures for NRF Areas

GCSE and equivalent results, average point scores and associated value added measures - Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) areas by each Local Authority District and Government Office...

Children in Care: Criminal offences

Offending by looked after children, numbers cautioned and convicted Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 3 by ACORN category

Percentage of pupils achieving level 5 or above in Key Stage 3 tests by ACORN category of pupil residency Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE and equivalent, Post-16 and value added measures by ethnicity and gender

Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum assessments, GCSE and equivalent achievements and post-16 attainment of young people in England by ethnicity and gender Source: Department for Children...

NI 062 - Stability of placements of looked after children: number of placements

This indicator measures the percentage of children looked after with three or more placements during the year Source: Statutory SSDA903 data collection from Local Authorities to...

Pupil attainment by Ethnic Group: GCSE Average Points Score

GCSE and Equivalent: Average Point Scores and associated value added measures for young people by ethnic group. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and...

Pupil attainment: Attainment gap at KS2 and KS4 between FSM and non FSM pupils

The difference in educational attainment between pupils receiving Free School Meals (FSM) and pupils not receiving Free School Meals at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 Source: Department for...

Parliamentary constituency level information - time series of average class sizes in Primary and Secondary schools

Parliamentary Constituency level information - time series of average class sizes in primary and secondary schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for...

Outcome indicators for looked-after children

Numbers of children looked after for at least twelve months, and general information about their education. Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 3 tasks and tests,...


Information from LAs on children with statements of Special Educational Needs.  It is the only source of data on statements issued by individual LAs.

Pupil Attainment for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) by gender

Pupil attainment for pupils with Special Educational Needs at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4, broken down by Gender Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher:...

Teacher sickness absence

Full-time and part-time teacher sickness absence Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Geographies:...

Physically active children

Percentage of schoolchildren who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond the curriculum Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Adult skills - literacy, numeracy technology and ESOL estimates (Skills for Life Survey)

Adult skills need estimates for literacy, numeracy, information communication and technology and ESOL across England Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES): Read Write Plus Skills...

Pupil Foundation Stage Profile: achieving a good level of development

The proportion of foundation stage children (five year olds) achieving early learning goals at Local Authority District level and above. Achievement of goals measured as obtaining 6 or more points...

Statistical neighbours benchmarking tool

Identification of statistical neighbours and range of key demographic indicators for comparison Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

Pupil attainment by Ethnic Group: GCSE

GCSE and Equivalent: Results for Young People by Ethnic Group. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and Equivalent exams, the percentage of 15 year old pupils...

Pupil teacher ratios for maintained primary and secondary schools

The proportion of pupils to teachers in maintained schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Geographies:...