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182 results found

Exclusions from school

Permanent and fixed-period exclusions

North Yorkshire population summary

Overview of the most recent population estimates, projections Census information on the demographics of the County

International Migration

International migration statistics

Disability Living Allowance

Counts and rates for Disability Living Allowance claimants. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) is payable to children and adults aged under 65, who need help with personal care or have walking...

Councillor Information

North Yorskshire County Council Councillor location and contact Information.

Labour Market Profiles

Labour Market Profiles for Regions, Local Authorities, Local enterprsie Partnerships, Wards and Parliamentary Constituencies.

Housing summary measures

An overview of the affordability and availability of home ownership and social renting at the local authority level in England and Wales, as well as the affordability of private rented housing....

Housing Benefit

Housing benefit claimants by local authority. Housing Benefit can be claimed by a person if they are liable to pay rent and if they are on a low income.

Jobseekers Allowance claimants

Monthly Jobseekers Allowance unemployment data for North Yorkshire from the Office for National Statistics.

Pupil attainment

Educational attainment statistics including Key Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4

Indices of Deprivation 2015 Summary

Data on rankings at small area (LSOA) level from the Indices of Deprivation and Index of Mulitple Deprivation (IMD) which were produced by the DCLG


Counts and rates for 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET).

Procurement Information for North Yorkshire County Council

North Yorkshire County Council maintains a Contract Register, the purpose of which is to record key details of all Contracts with an aggregate value of £25,000 or more (excluding those related to...

Road Traffic Counts

Department for Transport


Disability and limiting long-term illness statistics

Child poverty

Children in families experiencing economic deprivation

Minerals Resource Safeguarding Zones

Dataset shows the safeguarding zones for selected minerals resources within the boundaries of North Yorkshire County Council

Major Transport Schemes

Dataset shows selected proposed significant highways schemes within the boundaries of and the responsibility of North Yorkshire County Council

Land and Property Assets

Dataset shows land and property assets owned and managed by and with the boundaries of North Yorkshire County Council

Highway Winter Weather Monitoring Sites

Dataset shows the locations of winter weather prediction and recording stations used by North Yorkshire County Council