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Total vacant dwellings in LA area

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy.

Total stock (Net Additions Methodology)

Housing numbers, by tenure, year built, type of accommodation etc, vacant dwellings. Net addition flows.

Total Private sector stock (Net Additions Methodology)

Housing numbers, by tenure, year built, type of accommodation etc, vacant dwellings. Net addition flows.

Tenure of dwellings

The live tables provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or on a temporal basis. Up to date figures on the number...

Dwelling Stock by Tenure: Rented from Registered Social Landlords

Housing numbers, by tenure, year built, type of accommodation etc, vacant dwellings. Net addition flows.

Dwelling Stock by Tenure: Owner Occupied

Housing numbers, by tenure, year built, type of accommodation etc, vacant dwellings. Net addition flows.

Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture

Compendium of Northern Ireland Agricultural statistics. Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Rents: Average weekly RSL rents

The Regulatory and Statistical Return (RSR) is a data collection carried out by the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) and is completed by Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and based on general needs...

Quarterly minor residential planning decisions

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Quarterly major residential planning decisions

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Public Perceptions on Climate Change in Northern Ireland

This report summarises people's attitudes towards climate change in Northern Ireland. It covers the following issues - public opinion on the causes of climate change; concerns about climate change;...

Public attitudes to climate change and the impact of transport

Report summarising people's attitudes to climate change in relation to transport. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Provisional Agricultural Income News Release (Northern Ireland)

Provisional agricultural incomes figures. Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Provisional...

Percentage of quarterly residential planning decisions completed within 13 weeks

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Percentage of quarterly minor planning decisions completed within 8 weeks

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Percentage of other quarterly planning decisions completed within 8 weeks

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Other annual planning decisions

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Number of quarterly minor residential planning decisions granted

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Number of quarterly major residential planning decisions granted

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...

Number of annual minor residential planning decisions granted

Planning authorities' planning applications and decisions, type of authority, speed of decision, type and size of development, enforcement action, regulation 3 and 4 consents, applications for...