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Strategy for England’s Wildlife and Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity 2020 indicators

The indicators show progress towards the vision set out in the 2002 Strategy. They have also been used to demonstrate progress with international commitments to reduce biodiversity loss under the...

Nuclear Accident Model - RIMNET

Plume prediction modelling for radiological emergencies

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Temperature data - 1650 datasets

Detailed temperature monitoring data for each respondent household to EFUS, including 4 aggregated datasets

RN Pers SAC Excel D/B

Tracks Royal Navy/Royal Marines Summary Appeal Cases.

RN CM Allocations/Delay

Tracks Royal Navy/Royal Marines personnel court martials.


Ringtail operated by Nabarro: Provides web based document review and management. This includes both personal data and historic archive material relating to British coal operations and procedures.

Regulated Pollutants

Connective Reference Data (Code-List) that lists the pollutants that Defra and its Arms Length Bodies regulate. This does not currently exist in a consolidated form but exists in part in each...

Offshore Environmental Inspectorate Tracking Spreadsheets x5

Various excel tracking spreadsheets to record the progress of applications, non compliances, Inspections undertaken, etc.

Monitoring Determinants

Connective Reference Data (Code-List) that lists the things that Defra and its Arms Length Bodies Monitor. This does not currently exist in a consolidated form but exists in part in each...

Information Management Physical Records System (IMPReS)

Hosted by Iron Mountain: ICMS manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) held by Iron Mountain on behalf of DECC. Purpose: Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets,...

FRAME (Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-pollutant Exchange)

The FRAME model calculates the deposition of sulphur and nitrogen at both standard (5 km) and high (1 km) resolution across the UK. The results are used to calculate the exceedance of critical...

Operational overseas nuclear installations

World Nuclear Associatoin database of operational nuclear installations

UK National Nuclear Database - RIMNET

Radiological and other Environmental Monitoring & Reference Data For information sharing and emergency response

Offshore Environmental Inspectorate Investigation Tracking Spreadsheet

Excel spreadsheet containing information pertaining to investigations undertaken by the Offshore Environmental Inspectorate team relating to incidents occuring within the UKCS Offshore Oil &...

Insurance Claims Management system(ICMS)

Previously operated by Capita now hosted by Iron Mountain: It is used to manage Coal Heath Compensation Claims. It provides historic MI for CLU and its contractors and subcontractor to manage...

Ramsar sites

A Ramsar site is the land listed as a Wetland of International Importance under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention) 1973....

Wild bird population indicators for the English Regions

An updated version of this dataset is available at: https://Bright Stripe/dataset/wild_bird_populations_in_england Provides figures for bird populations in the English regions, covering farmland,...

Wild Bird Population Indicators

An updated version of this release is available at: https://Bright Stripe/dataset/wild_bird_populations_in_england

Uptake of Sea Fish Quotas

The level of catches and landings of key quota species are monitored throughout the year through a series of weekly and monthly spreadsheets. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural...

Sustainable Development Indicators in your pocket

This National Statistics booklet presents and assesses the indicators - measures of everyday concerns including health, housing, jobs, crime, education and our environment. Source agency:...