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Milk Statistics Notice

Average prices calculated from surveys of milk purchasers Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Organic Statistics Notice, England

Provides information on fully organic land, land in-conversion to organic, the numbers of producers and processors / importers registered with the Organic Certification Bodies, the number of...

Production of Processed Milk

The latest national statistics produced by Defra on UK production of processed milk (condensed milk and milk powders). Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National...

Quarterly Supplies and Total of Domestic Usage of Meat

This national statistics notice shows supplies and totals for domestic usage of meat by quarters. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Regional Sustainable Development Indicators

The indicators highlight issues within the priority areas of Sustainable Consumption and Production, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Communities. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural...

Survey of Vegetables and Flowers 2009

Shows results for vegetables and flowers grown in the open on registered agricultural holdings. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language:...

The Area of UK Crops Grown for Bioenergy

This is an experimental statistical notice without associated datasets with estimates of the area of UK crops which have been grown for bioenergy. It covers wheat, oilseed rape, sugar beet, short...

Water usage in agriculture and horticulture

This statistical notice now forms part of the agri-environment indicators available here:

Local authority collected waste (quarterly estimates)

Estimates of quarterly waste arisings and management for England units : thousand tonnes notes: table 1: total is not the sum of the parts because sent for recycling differs from what is...

Cereals Usage by Oatmeal Millers in the UK

Presents data on UK Cereals Usage by Oatmeal Miller. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Cereals Usage by...

Cereals Stocks held by Ports, Co-operatives and Merchants

Provides levels of stocks of wheat, barley, oats and maize in port, co-operative and merchant stores in the UK. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National...

Cereals Usage by Millers, Brewers and Maltsters

This statistical release is an amalgamation of the statistical releases: Brewers, Distillers and Maltsters Usage and Stocks, Cereals Usage by Oatmeal Millers in the UK and Wheat Milled and Flour...

Environmental Protection Expenditure by Industry

Annual survey on how much industry spends protecting the environment Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Pesticide concentrations in marine water samples: 1995-2004

Pesticide concentrations in marine water samples: 1995-2004

Pesticides in groundwater samples

Pesticides in groundwater samples

Pesticides in surface water samples: 1995-2004

Pesticides in surface water samples: 1995-2004

Quality of estuaries

Quality of estuaries

Recovery and re-use of glass cullet: 1984 - 2007

Recovery and re-use of glass cullet: 1984 - 2007

Riverine and Direct inputs of metals from the UK to marine waters around the UK: 1990-2004

Riverine and Direct inputs of metals from the UK to marine waters around the UK: 1990-2004

Special Waste Arisings: 1986/7 - 2003

Special Waste Arisings: 1986/7 - 2003